Publication: ECMLPKDD2013 and Its Workshop


I participated in the ECMLPKDD2013 conference held at Prague, Czech.

I held a presentation at the main conference as a co-author.

K. Fukuchi, J. Sakuma, and T. Kamishima “Prediction with Model-based Neutrality” Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECMLPKDD), Part II, pp.499-514 (2013)
official-site, artilce, presentation

I held a presentation as a co-author at the workshop in conjunction with this conference.

H. Asoh, M. Shiro, S. Akaho, T. Kamishima, K. Hasida, E. Aramaki, and T. Kohro “An Application of Inverse Reinforcement Learning to Medical Records of Diabetes Treatment” Proceedings of the ECMLPKDD2013 Workshop: Reinforcement Learning with Generalized Feedback: Beyond Numeric Rewards (PBRL@ECMLPKDD) (2013)
official-site, workshop-site, artilce, presentation